
Chicago Crime Tours


By Angela Ash

One image that has always been synonymous with the mere mention of Chicago is the outline of a man, wearing a fedora and toting a machine gun.  That's right, I am talking about the almost romantic legends of gangsters in this city. 

Follow your expert tour guide on this bus tour, throughout the streets where violent murders occurred and the "crime boss" was the king of the neighborhood. You will hear about the mobsters who achieved often heroic status, as they evaded the law, ran hidden "speakeasies", and committed violent crimes in broad daylight. 

Even better, you will get off the bus at various locations, to stand on the very streets where many of these occurrences took place.  Learn about Al Capone, John Dillinger, and a dozen other gangsters who definitely left their mark on Chicago!

This is a historically based tour, so expect no fictionalized tales here.  But remember, the truth is often stranger than fiction, and the stories that you will hear are a perfect example!

To learn more, visit them online, or call (312) 888-6224.