

Edgar Allan Poe House And Museum


By Angela Ash

The Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum sits on a quiet street in Baltimore, mostly surrounded by residential apartments.  I think that it may be one of those places that you begin to "feel" before it ever even comes into view. 

This dwelling is one of the homes of Edgar Allan Poe, one of America's greatest writers, spinning tales and poetry of mystery and macabre seemingly as effortlessly as one mighty take a breath.  However, even as the genius that we know him to have been today, his life was filled with misfortune and grief, culminating in his mysterious death right on the streets of  Baltimore in 1849. 

It is often said that, especially in larger than life historical characters, their presence still seems to embody the places where they lived, worked, and even died.  This is especially the case with the Poe House.  Visiting this property provides such a unique peek into the home life that Poe would have lived that you almost expect to see him sitting at his writing desk.  With a plethora of information in this museum, you will surely hear or see things about this beloved author that you would have never known, without a visit to this historical gem. 

Quite like Poe himself, the house has experienced some trials of its own.  Opened to the public, closed, and now (thankfully) open again... it is a testament that you just can't keep a a group of people with a vision down.  The folks at Poe Baltimore donate their time, energy, and most importantly, their knowledge to ensure that future generations can continue to marvel in the wonders of the life of this passionate, often mysterious, and innovative author.

For more information, you may visit the Poe House online, or call (410) 669-2290.