

Cinnamon Hill



By Angela Ash

Built in the 1700s, Cinnamon Hill is best known for its endearing, celebrity inhabitants.  Once owned by the family of the 19th century English poet, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, this plantation house has been lovingly restored to its former grandeur. 

However, the resident that gains the most notoriety for calling this his second home is the last person to actually live at Cinnamon Hill, although the house remains in his family, as part of his estate.  Cinnamon Hill was the private retreat belonging to Johnny Cash, and it is questionable if his spirit has ever left.

When walking through the rooms of Cinnamon Hill, it is almost like Johnny and June have just left for the weekend.  Family portraits hang on the walls, and personal mementos line the shelves.  An alligator that Cash personally killed is skinned and displayed on the wall leading up the stairs, and his shoes are by the back door, as if he may walk in at any moment to grab them before going on a long walk on the spacious, beautifully landscaped grounds.



If the expression if "walls could take" might ever apply, it would be here.  Although in this case, I believe the proper phrase would be "if walls could sing".  Upstairs, home videos line a cabinet, and one can not help but wonder if a sing-along at the piano downstairs may have been captured, or if material that has never been heard might grace these recordings. 

Exploring Cinnamon Hill is utterly surreal, as closets remain untouched, with the contents of Johnny and June's wardrobe still intact. Four decades of memories still remain, displayed in a way that can not help but elicit emotion from all who witness them.

This was quite obviously their personal retreat from the hustle and bustle of their high profile existence, and the feeling that lingers is that of peace.  For some reason, it feels like the presence of June Carter takes center stage at Cinnamon Hill.  Often when looking at a photograph or a keepsake, it feels as if she may just be looking over your shoulder, happy that someone is finding enjoyment in the things that she treasured. 

While the main goal is to preserve this great house in the manner in which it was kept, group tours are reserved by appointment only. When visiting Montego Bay, one may not even realize that such a musical tome exists on the island.  So make it a point to explore this magnificent home for yourself.  It will be the highlight of your Jamaican adventure!

For more information, visit Cinnamon Hill online to begin planning your tour today.