
 Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum

By Angela Ash


The Hemingway Home has haunted me since my last trip to Key West.  I told myself that it was just as well to stand outside the gate and take a few photos, actually catching a glimpse or two of some of Hemingway's beloved, six-toed cats.  I knew that I had made a mistake the minute I stepped onto the cruise ship.  Do NOT make the same error!  Visit this beloved, literary attraction! 

Ernest Hemingway, one of America's most loved and respected writers, lived in this beautiful home from 1931 to 1961.  He wrote many novels while living here, including To Have And To Have Not, which was actually set right here in Key West during the Great Depression. 

You may wander about on your own, or there is a guided tour that is offered, where you will hear absolutely fascinating details about Hemingway's adventurous life, his tumultuous loves, his magnificent career, and the six-toed cat that started it all!

For more information on the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum, you may visit them online, or call (305) 294-1136.