
Yotel - NYC


By Angela Ash

Let me start this off by saying that I have traveled all around the world, and I have stayed in countless hotel rooms in some of the most fascinating cities. I have seen elegant rooms, hip and trendy rooms, classical rooms and over-the-top suites in casino hotels. But what I haven't seen before is anything even in the same realm of where Yotel permanently and proudly dwells.

Even when checking in at the "Command Center," you know that this isn't your standard hotel. And if the cosmopitan lobby with vibrant decor doesn't give you another hint, then you're just not paying attention. However, the old concept of what your hotel should be is about to change dramatically.  

As you enter the violet-illuminated elevator to ascend to your "cabin," it's perfectly alright to set your expectations high. You aren't going to be disappointed. These rooms are the epitome of sleek, with neon lights and a smart bed that morphs into a sofa with the push of a button. If you're a techie, there are plenty of ports and plugs to keep you connected and fully charged for your big adventure in New York City!

But let me warn you, even if you have a full schedule, you're going to want to spend some time at your new home away from home. The hotel terrace, with its sweeping views of the city, serves up breakfast in the morning and your favorite beverages by night. With the pulsing music and ultra-swanky vibe, it's hard to tear yourself away, even to make use of those orchestra seats for Hamilton.

When you bid a tearful adieu, you can always check in with their handy app to remind yourself that your next visit to Yotel is just a click away.

Are you clicking already? And I didn't even mention the luggage-storing robot...

For more information, call 646 449 7700.