
Ron Pope: 15 Years of Daylight


ron pope 2024

Currently, Ron Pope is performing in a number of lucky cities across America, in a unique celebration of his debut album, "Daylight." This reflective, musical journey has, quite rightfully so, been dubbed "A Drop in the Ocean Tour," honoring Pope's brilliant masterpiece, which is typically the first song that comes to mind when the singer/songwriter's name is mentioned in avid conversation.

Which brings a question to mind: where were you when you first heard "A Drop in the Ocean?"

It was the fall of 2011, and I was curled up on the couch in my living room, anxiously waiting for the premiere of Season 3 of the CW's "The Vampire Diaries." I'd been waiting all summer to see if Elena would finally see the light - or maybe that would be the dark - and actually choose witty, brooding Damon Salvatore over his younger brother Stefan. The episode was nearing the end (still no final word on the Delena matchup), but something equally as exciting happened. 

It began with the initial piano notes (big win already), followed by the entrance of a distinctive, passionate voice that enveloped the room. The CW has always been known for its excellent music placement in its series, from the ever-popular "Gilmore Girls" to "One Tree Hill" and beyond. But they had completely outdone themselves this time. I frantically began screaming into my phone, "Who sings THIS?" Because truly, how could I ever wait for the episode recap to post so that I could find out? Thankfully, the song played almost in its entirety, so I had my answer before it faded, and I quickly realized that I had to learn much more about this "Ron Pope" person. At this point, I had almost forgotten about Elena and her conundrum over the Salvatore brothers. Almost.

Discovering a new-to-you artist, and then realizing they have a lengthy music history to explore is like Christmas morning... one of those extra-magical ones where you truly believe Santa knows your very heart's desire. I quickly discovered that the first album was "Daylight," and it debuted in 2008. What? I had been missing out on this for three whole years? But the frustration quickly turned to pure joy when I began listening to the album on repeat. For days. Okay, maybe it was weeks. I quickly found myself in Elena's shoes. Perhaps she couldn't choose between two brothers, but I couldn't choose my absolute favorite song from the album. It was brilliant - every single note and each poetic lyric.

But remember, this is 2011. I found much more than "Daylight." "Live and Unplugged in New York" has this beautiful version of "Fireflies," with an extended piano introduction. Now, THAT was on repeat for... well... let's just say a bit.

I absolutely believe that music was created to express feelings so deep that mere words fail. That's why hearing a song can bring you back to a specific place in time, or a moment that you'll always associate with that melody. Or perhaps a song is so special that it IS that moment in time. Just like "A Drop in the Ocean."

So grab your tickets, and get out there and see this beautiful show live and in person. I guarantee that you'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll feel alive. You'll witness masterful entertainers on stage, including show openers Taylor Bickett, Zach Berkman and Robby Hecht - all musical geniuses in their own right. Visit Ron Pope's official site for more ticketing information. And act quickly, as there are just a few shows left!